Old family recipes of a mother or grandmother, etc. are our specialty! It brings us joy to help keep alive those sweet keepsakes, whether it's me-maw's famous strawberry cake recipe or uncle Sam's sweet chili recipe that has been passed down for generations. These cutting boards are so special and make for great gifts for family and friends!
Maybe you're not sure if we can engrave the old recipe you have due to spills, lines on the paper, or missing pieces of the paper? Let us take a look at it and we'll let you know what we can do. We have worked with all of the above and customers have been surprised and well pleased with the results.
NOTE: If you are wanting a hand-written message or recipe engraved on the cutting board, please follow the instructions below:
Email image of the message or recipe to us at: lulacustomcreations@gmail.com
Please INCLUDE your ORDER# and your name so we can further assist you. Thank you.
Cutting Board, Engraved
We will send a proof to you before engraving. After you have approved it, no changes can be made. Therefore, no return or refund will be granted. Thank you so much for your understanding and cooperation in this process.